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Senior Information Page

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2025-2026 FAFSA and CASFA Now Open!     

To get started with FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid--for students with an SSN--ok if parents do not have one), click here >> https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa

To get started with CASFA (Colorado Application for State Financial Aid--for students who do not have an SSN. Federal Pell Grants are not available under CASFA), click here >> https://cdhe.colorado.gov/students/preparing-for-college/colorado-application-for-state-financial-aid


The 2025-2026 ASCENT Program Application is Now Open!  Deadline is April 4th.

Apply online to complete a 5th year of high school, tuition-free. The ASCENT program is essentially a free year of community college. Classes can be taken at FRCC, AIMS, or Metro State. Requirements are: submission of a FAFSA/CASFA form, completion of 9 college credits as verified on a college transcript, with a minimum college GPA of 2.0, and submission of the application. ASCENT slots are capped by the state this year, and students will be given priority based on the order in which they applied, so apply early! Slots are first-come first-served. 

For more ASCENT Information and to Apply, click here >> https://www.psdfutureready.org/ascent/


Some important dates for Seniors:

  • Stay Tuned


Upcoming Site Visits: 

(Your attendance will be excused during the site visit, but you are responsible for any missed classwork. Sign up on the clipboards outside Ms. Ford's office in Counseling.)

  • 21st Century Equipment (John Deere Internships) Fri. 2/14 11:00-11:45am, C118
  • Chadron State College (Nebraska) Tues. 2/18 10:45-11:30am, C118
  • US Air Force Wed. 2/19 10:00-10:45am, C118
  • CO Army National Guard Thurs. 2/20 in the Commons during high school lunch
  • University of Wyoming Tues. 2/25 2:45-3:30pm, C118


For Seniors Filling out College Applications - use our CEEB code of 061394

All post-secondary applications require a CEEB number to associate a student's application with Wellington HS. Using this code ensures our students have access to all the pre-loaded content in the Common Application that is used by most colleges. 

Wellington graduation has been set by Poudre School District for Thursday, May 22nd, 2025 at 6:30pm. The location will be the Wellington MHS stadium.


For Seniors - you can connect with us through our Google Classroom for Seniors:

Join the Google Classroom: yxypfyg

PSD does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, veteran status, age or disability in access or admission to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. A lack of English speaking skills will not be a barrier to admission or participation.